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Kendra's favorites Family Favorites
Kid friendly creations

Cooking in Action

My life as it is today:
There never seems to be enough time. No matter how well one strategically plans out their day, the hands on the clock have it's own mindset. We all are in a world full of "modern conviences" to help with our busy lives, the media tells me if I change my cell phone plan, subscribe to high speed internet with unlimted email, consume "Swansons Family Dinners", that the quality of my family's life will greatly increase. Guess what? It doesn't.

Despite how busy life has become, the one point in the day where the family comes together is dinner. Dinner preparation, even in its mildly chaotic state, brings joy to me. Introducing the family to new creations, generational favorites, and the occasional boxed stand by when an experimental dinner turned into a distaster, gives us time to connect as a whole. I put this website together for the family to help make your dinner time special, intersting and to ensure that the family favorites are not lost.
